
miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008


maryland deathfest 3 - wormed


You will be raped mentally and anally. - 82%
Written by LifeInAFireBox on February 9th, 2005

If you've read any of the other reviews, or even listen to any death metal, you already have a decent idea of what Wormed is about. Quite simply, they want to be the heaviest, craziest fucking band in the world. Were they successful? Pretty much.

Take Cryptopsy's brain-scattering technicality, the over all tone of Suffocation, the rhythmic stuttering riffs of Meshuggah, and the vocals of Anal Bleeding (probably the only band I've heard who's vocals are remotely this low), and you have, for the most part, Wormed.

After all I'd heard about this band, I had very high expectations. Fortunately, and even surprisingly, they were met. I really only have two complaints about this album. As odd of a thing as it is to say about a death metal CD, this is too short. This is probably one of the shortest, if not THE shortest LP I've ever seen. Finishing up in a mere (and just barely) 25 minutes, it might leave you saying ... "Where's the rest?" The production is my other complaint, it's by no means bad ... but, it is the only thing stopping this from being the heaviest material this side of uranium - the guitar, needs to be just a bit louder. And, despite it being heavier than most people could comprehend, it's not always as "aggressive" I guess, as say Origin. Of course, that's not a complaint, because Origin can get old pretty fast due to that fact.

Okay - I'm done complaining ... besides those pretty minor things, this CD completely destroys. I like the way the drums sound, raw and snappy, yet able to cut through the mix. The bass sticks out, will give you plenty of kick, but won't get over used in it's popping and stand-alone fills, like in other bands that copied Cryptopsy. The guitars have more crunch than a bag of Doritos (bad analogy ... but you get the point ...) and the vocals ...

It's not really possible for someone to review this CD without commenting on the vocals. I was actually not sure a human could make a sound so low. Ironically, it's like giant WORM, like from Star Wars or something ... the most gargantuan, ugly, lard-assed worm ever, with the ability to make noises someone similar to a human - at the same time though, he's pissed off, and flailing around like a crazy motherfucker ... yeah, that's what the vocals sound like.

And people mostly put this toward them being one of the heaviest bands in existence - and yet, it does add a huge amount, but you take that away, and there's plenty of bands on par. (And I was never one to say just because something heavy, doesn't mean it's good) But damn, it IS good. I also don't see why people call this "experiemental" - it's really not that strange. Minus the track "Fragments", and the extremely weird, and out of place passage in "Geodesic Dome" - there's nothing I'd call "experimental" ...

Unless you consider their odd lyrical concept to be part of that. I do enjoy that concept - it's different, it's cool, and it somehow really fits the music.

Highlight Tracks:

Geodesic Dome - Actually has some of the lowest vocals of all. Technical as Hell, has some good grooves, and of course the extremely weird, yet surpringly enjoyable, spacey, emocore-ish sounding(?) part. There's really nothing to compare that part to. Probably the best song on the CD.

Yuem - Weird, complex yet somehow catchy rhythme (Why can't Meshuggah do that?) some great drum playing on display, and another mind-numbing trip of technicality.

Final thoughts: the primary weakness of this album is it's length. It's TOO SHORT. Nothing gets time to gel, and you'll just find yourself having to listen to it 948 times ... and unfortunately, having done so, I still think the songs can sound alike at times ... but, damn, it's original regardless of the bizzare exprimental shit, and obviously one of the heaviest things you will ever hear in your life ... if you like brutal death metal, this is must.


A landmark in insanity - 80%

Written by stickyshooZ on October 7th, 2004

I’ve come to realize that dictionaries everywhere need to be updated. Why? Because if you look up the word “chaos” as well as all of its synonyms, there aren’t any pictures of ‘Planisphaerium’ next to the definitions! This album is purely murderous and utter brain rape insanity from start to finish. Wormed’s first album is twenty five minutes of razorblade death metal riffs, bludgeoning bass, erratic double bass, heaps of heavy riffs, savage howls, and of course, extra slabs of riffs.

Each song pulsates with inhuman brutality, rage, and sheer technical fervency that it makes my brain bleed out. If you’re expecting something that will slow down and comfort you when you’re deplored, then you are gravely mistaken. You’re more likely to receive a lesion rather than a pat on the back. ‘Tunnel of Ions’ starts the album off with a sharp little guitar riff, which detonates the fuse on this baby and as a result, everything explodes into full out death metal Hell. God damnit, my shit has been ruined by the iron fist of booming bass, jaw dropping drum pummel, and super crunchy, shredding guitar riffs.

Mutilating riffs are always attacking you; there is no escape. The crunchy and sharp guitars slash and tear your skin away and rip it right off of your bones. There are many ultra technical riffs, similar to bands like Cryptopsy and later Cannibal Corpse, albeit they are not as punchy or possess as many hooks. The real problem is that the guitars aren’t loud enough. If you want to be battered and bashed, you need to have it LOUD! I want to be smashed into the ground until I’m suffocating and drowning in dominating riffs; not saved from it by some musical lifeguard (the ones who were responsible for the production of this album) who decided that the guitars were too dangerous to play with.

Ooooooo yay, while the lifeguards are busy with their dicks in their hands, the bass runs free causing complete chaos. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, DIE! The bass is easily heard in the mix as it grabs necks everywhere and smashes faces into the floor, leaving nothing but a bloody stump. That bass could break your face just by glancing at you if it wanted to. If anyone complained about the bass not being loud enough and they are still breathing today, then chances are that the bass deemed them unworthy of death and that going through life as a doofus would be much more of a fitting punishment.

Not enough beat down for you yet? Well, just wait until you get a taste of the throbbing drumming. Holy damn, this guy really goes above and beyond when it comes to speed while managing to keep it interesting. You know what I’m tired of? All of those death metal bands that just use blast beats, blast beats, and surprisingly, more blast beats…you won’t ever find Wormed using that cliché method in such a redundant manner like their ‘predecessors.’ The burley drum sound is like taking a hammer in face at the speed of a chain gun.

Hey, Schwarzenegger! Drop that chain gun and just carry Andy C. in your pocket whenever you want to really terminate something. This time no one will “be back.” This time, everyone dies.

It’s good to see that there is still some metal, especially death metal (which generally takes the cake for recursive and dull lyrics), that possesses lyrical intellect. What really strikes me into awe is the bands singer, Phlegeton, which happens to be one of the bands most distinguishable features. Holy shit, this guy sounds like a more guttural version of Lord Worm (Cryptopsy)! It’s almost impossible to believe that a human is capable of producing such raging, skull-fucking shrieks and growls. Listeners might want to take the safety of their temporal lobes into consideration before getting a taste of Phlegeton’s monstrous vocals.

I dare anyone to read about the concept of this album (this information can be obtained off of the band’s official website) and give feasible testament that the album’s story comes up short in the light of brilliance. Space, time, evolution, dimensions, and planets are the main keys in this unusual theme. Each song plays a unique roll in the story, but I leave it up to you, the reader, to discover that for yourself.

So, you think Dying Fetus is brutal? Give this a listen and learn what real insanity and violence sounds like. However, don’t tell anyone that I recommended this, because I do not want to be blamed for being an indirect factor for any brain damage that may occur.


A taste of the strange...and I like it! - 84%

Written by Antikrist on September 15th, 2004

From the first minute of this album, I knew that this was some wierd shit I was listening to. After all, bands that play music about quantum physics and the like aren't exactly going to be run-of-the-mill death metal. While the band puts up a real death metal riff attack with some strange sounds, it's also the vocals and drums that make this sound so strange. The first thing that struck me was the sound of these fact the first thing I thought they sounded like was a giant jungle lizard for some reason, and in fact these are about as inhuman as humans can sound. The only fitting comparison I can think of is the vocalist from Abandoned Grave of Germany. I can see the Lord Worm comparison in terms of how inhuman they sound, but I don't think this vocalist sounds much like Lord Worm at all. And, yes, you won't understand one syllable of the lyrics with these vocals. The drumming is nothing near the typical death/grind drumming of today. The snare drum for one sounds like it's one of those carribean metal drums they play on the beach (except that it's only one tone). And the drummer is not afraid to introduce some unique drumlines into the mix apart from the traditional blast and grind beats. At times he will even slow to half-pace drumming over a very brutal riff making for some interesting listening. He also introduces more original brutal drumlines into the mix at times. The riffage itself comes off as brutally as you'd expect from death metal, but it's not done in any conventional ways. This is one thing you really have to hear to understand, but don't expect any Deicide-worship, that's for sure. I don't really know how to justify this album as worthy of listening to except that if you like death metal at all and want to hear something that you haven't heard before and probably won't hear again (until Wormed release a follow-up album...hopefully soon) then this is worthy of your time. It's a truly enjoyable release.


Busting my review cherry... - 60%
Written by MetalCheese on April 12th, 2004

The very first time I gave this album a spin, I gave up on death metal right then and there, for 5 whole minutes. I threw my hands up in disgust, and about a minute in to "Tunnel Of Ions" I hopped off of my sofa, and proclaimed to my overweight Tabby that...

"This is noise! Nothing but noise!"

I turned my craptastic CD player off, removed the disc, and inserted it into it's case. I then returned to my sofa, and began humming that godlike Sodom riff from "Tired And Red" (You know the one!) in an effort to clear that chaotic noise from my mind. Now, I know I'm supposed to be reviewing the CD, and I will get to that in a second.... But first, let me tell you a little something about myself. Most of the time when I purchase a Metal CD, I dislike it... At first. Unless it's some super happy sounding Power Metal band with squeaky clean production and epic songstructures, I dislike it. I don't know why (Besides the fact that I'm a strange DOOD) seeing as most of favorite bands would be considered highly inaccessible, but this is the case. Hell, maybe I'm a fruitcake, but it usually takes me a few listens to appreciate anything even REMOTELY intense.

Realizing this about myself, I decided to give Wormed (Cool name) another listen. I popped the CD back in and started to listen... And while now I don't consider the music on "Planisphaerium" to be noise, I wouldn't argue with someone who thought it to be. After all, I'm a seasoned Metalhead, and I could barely take this..... It's BROOTAL DEATH METAL BABY!

Now...*quick breath* on to the music. In case I didn't establish it in my babbling above, this is some skullcrushing, disemboweling, virgin raping stuff! I'll begin with the vocalist, or as I like to call him, Human Garbage Disposal-man! (Not creative enough for you? Well I'm writing this at 3 AM, so fuck right off.) Now, Human Garbage Disposal-man's vocals are sicker and more vomitous than your usual Death Metal vocalist. To truly understand how INSANE this man's vocals are, imagine that he swallows his microphone, and while he is gagging for air, proceeds to stab himself in the neck with a writing utencil.... NOW, imagine the gurgly sounds he makes before killing over. Increase the intensity of those sounds a couple of times over, and spread them throughout a 30 minute album. Got it? And don't even THINK about trying to make out what he's saying. You'll surely give yourself a brain hemorrhage and YOU WILL DIE! There are a few clean vocal breaks, but those only last for seconds, and are pretty unintelligble too. What I haven't established yet is if I dig these vocals or not... Well yeah, I think they are pretty damn cool. As far as uniqueness goes, Human Garbage Disposal Man is up there with Antti from Demillich.

The drums are mixed FAR TOO LOW in the mix, and are overpowered by the guitars. The drums, when fully audible, sound horrid, by the way..... I don't know what he's hitting (I don't know a damn thing about drum pieces) Buuuuuuuut.... Remember that album "St. Anger" by that one band.... Me..... Met..... Ah, it's that Mallcore band that used to put out Mediocre Thrash albums. Their name's not important, just that album. Remember those ear-violating drums that sounded like trash can lids, and pots and pans? Well the Wormed drummer likes to play the pots and pans too, except he keeps his "drumming" in the background. Thank you good fellow... And Lars, take notes buddy!

... On second thought, don't take notes. Just retire. :)

The guitars are WAY too distorted, which is a shame... They have some decent riffs, but due to the insane distortion the riffs tend to blend together and become indistinguishable from each other. They bust out some awesome riffs throughout the album (The song "Voxel Mitosis" for instance), but too much of the time they become just a wall of fuzz, and they also tend to reuse a lot of riffs throughout the album... GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, WORMED! The bass is playing... Fuck knows. Bass audability is forbidden in Death Metal, don't you know that sucka?

Iiiiiiin conclusion, I can say that I do not hate this album. I find it to be mediocre, but I can definately see some potential in these Wormed fellas. Perhaps with a thicker drum sound, and the distortion turned down a few notches, these guys can release something so kickass that the Cheesemeister is forced to review due to sheer awesomeness. I do appreciate the lyrics though (I'm sick of "death this" and "murder that"... Space, psychosis, and human evolution is the way to go!) Lyrics are pretty important to me, so I will award "Planisphaerium" a generous 60% instead of the 50% that I was going to give it.


Super brutal album with a crazy concept - 95%

Written by WinterElegy on April 5th, 2004

I don't know where to begin with this release. Wormed constantly pummels you with a massivle onslaught of super brutal metal throughout this release. There is some crazy concept behind this album that deals with space travel and the human conciousness, go to their site if you want to read it, it is very interesting. It is always good to see some intellegent death metal these days.
Anyway, every song on this cd will keep you awake and occupied. Nothing boring about this cd, they keep the riffs changing and will occasionally through in something really random that still sounds badass. I forget the order of the songs, but here is a breakdown on them anyway:

Tunnel of Ion:
Fucking insane intro track. The singer has some super fucking up low ass growl vocals which are amazing and fit really with the music...sometimes. On this track the vocals are more growly and intense which is really cool. This track pummels you with random snare that sounds like a trashcan in the background. Anyway it breaks down to some slow intense stuff and then goes back into super pummeling mode. There are some really quick stops which amplify the intensity of the proceeding riffs

Starts off with some weird riff then goes into super intense stuff, but has the riff has some like one second parts that are just bass and drums to change things up. Little things like that make this record great. The end gets slow with some really scary growling.

Another brutal song that crushes your skull. There are some awesome groove riffs somewhere in this song, then near then end there is some..possibly is really cool whatever it is.

Some crazy awesome 15 second clip of something random, but it is really atmosphereic and spacy. I wish it were longer and they did more things like this on the record because the concept of it deals with space and what not, but as it is it still fucking rocks.

Geodisic Dome:
This song has more of the super low gutteral vocals that just sound like "uuuuu" I dont like these as much, but they are pretty good. There are cool riffs on this song and it is also badass. Then in the middle this REALLY strange part comes in with some high guitar notes and normal talking, but it somehow totally flows with the song and makes it so much cooler. Too bad it only lasts for like three seconds

The title track, of course it kicks ass, it starts with a sledgehammer riff that pounds away at your brain and then it goes into the fast brutal stuff these guys do best. Fucking fast and intense, a combonation of the "uuuu" vocals and the slightly more growly ones. Some interesting drumming at about 3:00. Sounds almost tribal
then it has an awesome ending and unfortunately is over.

Voxel Mitosis:
I have no idea what this or half the titles mean but it sounds awesome. The intro riff is groovy, then the rest of the song kicks ass too. It gets really groovy after 1:00. Awesome song

Pulses in Rhombus Form:
The weirdest song title ever, but possibly the coolest. The intro is pretty generic, but then some cool riffs come in and this song becomes unique. Just when you think this song is a generic wormed song, he throws in some different growl vocals which sound very good. Then they have another cool riff and you remember this was the best album you've heard in a long time.

Damn this album was so badass.


Holy shit. :O - 95%
Written by Spawnhorde on January 18th, 2004

Hands down, one of the best releases of 2003, Wormed's first full length album, 'Planisphaerium', is fucking killer. I have not one quarrel with this album's execution. The concept has something to do with Humans' ultimate evolution in the realm of Outer Space, but I'm not completely sure about the full story. As always, though, lyrics aren't necessarily what concerns me (first, at least). It's the sheer layers of sound here. Everything is playing over everything else so damn well. Macabre Mementos is already my favorite label, just for having 4 brutal bands worthy of getting 90s and above. This album doesn't change a thing, and possibly improves my opinion of the label's direction. As for instruments, the drums. Holy shit. The drums are all over the place. Andy really knows how to kill his set, pulling off huge fills in literally tiny spaces in the song. The guitarist pulls off killer riffs constantly, and there is always sort of a low guitar chug in the background, as well. Oh, and don't even get me started about these vocals. Easily one of my favorite styles of vocals, Wormed's Phlegeton has these really distorted snoring/burping/screaming sound, that sounds almost alien. This really adds to the feel of the album. If Phlegeton's vocals were different, I would give this a 75 or so. They're just that damn cool. If I have to ask one thing of Wormed in their next release, it's that they include keyboards. Now I KNOW this could really disappoint some "total fucking brutal" people out there, but this band NEEDS keyboards, but even if they didn't include them, I would still love this band. I don't mean soaring keyboard solos, I just mean "out there" keys, to add to the spacey vibe. Overall, this album is total fucking slayage.

Buy it NOW.


Brutal Death Metal done right - 90%
Written by Megafury on July 17th, 2003

This truly is hyper ultra brutal death metal, which the band describes their sound as. The heavy guitars scratch through your ear drums, the powerful blast beats pound on your skull, and those low growls from the gut sink into your head.

Although the songs do tend to sound a little too similar, the band's general sound is great. Every song is a chaotic mess of noise. This is one of those albums that I listen straight from begining to end, rather then skipping to what track I like becuase the album as a whole works good as one really song that changes grinding grooves throughout transition to another track.

If you ever want to piss off your neighbors, put this album up on full blast and this album will torture them. I could see their ears getting ripped to shreds by all the songs here.

The track Fragments is the only track that's completley different form the whole album because it's not even really a song. Just some 14 second sound clip.

Geodesic Dome is also another track on the album with something a little different thrown in the mix. It came to a surprise to me when, after the blistering noise, I heard regular singing and calmer music playing for a few seconds, then it got back to the brutal music.

Fans of Cephalic Carnage, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, and Pig Destroyer, take my advice, get this album if you haven't already.

Reviewed by Iadalbaoth /



Sin duda alguna con este su tan esperado primer trabajo, la manda madrileña se consagra como la mejor banda a nivel brutal de la escena española, así como la respuesta mas contundente al metal mas extremo que llega desde el otro lado del charco. Mucho hemos tenido que esperar para que esta joya de brutalidad insana llegara a buen puerto, cambios de formación, problemas con la grabación, etc... pero la espera no es que allá merecido la espera, es que realmente la banda ha logrado ponerse el status de dioses del genero en lo que a nuestro país se refiere, y sin dudarlo ni un instante no tienen que envidiar en nada, (asi de rotundo soy), a las bandas foráneas. Aun recuerdo la primera vez que escuche digamos el single adelanto de este su debut en formato larga duración, y que Javi su guitarra me mostró en uno de sus viajes a nuestras tierras... Las sensaciones que me vinieron a la cabeza (y eso que no había pasado aun por el proceso de masterizacion) fueron muchas, la banda había logrado ser compacta, extrema, técnicamente retorcida, ni apta para todos los oídos, aunque claro esta aquella primera escucha del tema " VoXel Mitosis" no era mas que eso una primera toma de contacto con el mundo retorcido, caótico y visceral que el ahora cuarteto de la capital del reino nos tenia preparado....Como bien habéis oído ahora son cuarteto, y el cambio en vez de ser a peor y perder intensidad por la falta de un segundo guitarra es totalmente lo contrario, la banda suena mas conjuntada, mas extrema, mas contundente y este falta lo que ha hecho es incrementar la potencia si cabe. Claro esta todo esto mencionado no es un peloteo barato, ni mucho menos, son años de trabajos, de horas metidas en el estudio, de lograr plasmar todas las influencias que posee el cuarteto, lo cual no iba ser fácil, ya que la variedad de influencias es tremenda, sobre todo si vemos los proyectos paralelos que poseen algunos de ellos Nüll, Unsane Crisis entre otros muchos. Pero claro estamos hablando de autentica maquinas de matar, la perfecta maquinaria de aniquilación se plasma en temas como el que da titulo al álbum, o el ya mencionado "Voxel Mitosis", " Tunnel Of Ions" etc.., temas repletos de continuos cambios de tempo, esos típicos ritmos de parada y vuelta a empezar, es decir pasar de un bombardeo de blast beats a pasajes mas pesados, y vuelta a la rapidez, y todo ello sin apenas inmutarse, donde los riffs hiper retorcidos salidos de la guitarra de javi, son seguidos muy de cerca por la pareja ritmica (aun no entiendo como el resto de la banda puede seguir a esa maquina detrás del kit de batería llamado Andy) formada por Andy del cual ya hemos hablado maravillas en muchas ocasiones y que literalmente se sale en este álbum, y el cual tiene un pareja de lujo, la cual dicho sea de paso tiene un merito mas que increíble de poder seguir a esta tormenta blastica que forma este personajes, y me refiero a Guille, el cual maneja el bajo como si fuera un apoyo a los riffs que escupen las cuerdas de la guitarra, y se comporta como el perfecto engranaje para que la maquina rítmica funcione a las mil maravillas, pero claro tras este trio se encuentra la voz cantante (y nunca mejor dicho) ese pequeño gran hombre que tiene que tener el esófago lleno de llagas, o una jauria de jabalis en su estomago, para poder emitir una de las voces mas enfermizas que he escuchado en mucho tiempo, profunda como el abismo del mismisimo infierno, un cruce en Matti Way, Ruben Rosas, o Joe Wolf de Cleanflesh. Musicalmente los englobaria en un encuentro entre lo mejor de Cryptopsy, capaces de crear a la velocidad de la luz y con una técnica casi perfecta los mas increíbles ritmos con lo que conlleva eso, luego diria que en las partes mas pesadas me recuerdan a Repudilation, Disgorge (usa), Devourment and co, y sobre todo en la voz, pero ante todo Wormed and conseguido un estilo propio, muy personal, basado en sus mas que diferentes influencias y generalizado en los continuos cambios de ritmo, (pocas bandas he visto con tanta disparidad de tempos musicales) todo ello creando una atmósfera caótica, retorcida y enrevesada difícil de calificar. Pero por encima de todo y quizás uno de sus fallos mas notables era lograr trasmitir lo que consiguen en sus conciertos en un disco, es decir una produccion acorde a su calidad y su vision musical, algo que en anteriores trabajos no habían logrado, y aunque seguramente como todo en la vida es mejorable han conseguido en este Planispherium. Otro punto a favor es que se salen un poco de todo la voragine de portadas llena de visceras, sangre y demás tópicos del estilo y se decantan por seguir su concepto principal basado en un futuro que realmente si da miedo, donde la muerte es solo el comienzo y las dimensiones paralelas que rodean el universo estan ahi esperándonos (mas o menos....) y todo ello con la esfera ectoplasmica como base de dicho concepto, lo cual sin duda alguna le da una frescura y porque no decirlo una originalidad de la cual esta falto dicho estilo. Y todo gracias a la mente enfermiza y ultradimensional de Phlege cantante de la banda, creador del concepto lirico, del diseño de la portada asi como de todo lo que rodea al aspecto visual del álbum. Poco mas se puede decir de una banda que en el escalafón de la escena española (y yo diria que mundial, aunque tampoco tenemos porque subirles demasiado el ego, que luego ya se sabe, el próximo disco emo, jajá jajá just kidding guys) esta un peldaño mas arriba que el resto, y si no me crees hazte con este trabajo y ya me diras.... POSIBLEMENTE LA MEJOR BANDA ESPAÑOLA DE BRUTAL....!!

Reviewed by Pinhead /



Wormed from Spain comes with new vortex creating a huge explosions on brutal death planet by adding the technical and proggressive elements. The vocalist Phlegeton strikes with his deep guttural breath remind me to Mr. Ruben Rosas of Devourment, then J.Oliver who plays guitars here and Guillemoth on bass give repulsive distortion wave creating a thick heavy sound somewhere between Skinless and Eternal Suffering (Rip), creating the complex riffs and intense in a same time, last is Andy C, the master of all, the source of mass destruction, the battery of all elements, blast and grinding to the core. Wormed brings forth a new innovative breed of extreme music.



He aquí el primer álbum de esta banda madrileña de Brutal Death experimental formada por Phlegeton a las voces, J.Oliver a la guitarra, Guillemoth al bajo y Andy C. a la batería, la cúal hay que destacar notablemente en este Planisphaerium ya que Andy ha demostrado su técnica y rapidez dando un resultado demoledor, y bueno, la batería no es solo lo mejor de este disco, las composiciones de guitarra y de bajo son muy originales y la voz de Phlegeton es un asesinato en estado puro, y todo esto se demuestra escuchando cualquiera de los ocho cortes, cortes en su sentido literal ya que temas como “Tunnel Of Ions”, con unos riffts muy poderosos, “Voxel Mitosis”,con una batería que parece una puta ametralladora, o “Ylem” ,caracterizada por su originalidad, son como cortes profundos en el cuello, sangrientos y mortales, en definitiva, Wormed se afianza un lugar entre los mejores grupos de Brutal Death y refuerzan más aún si cabe la escena Brutal Death española que con grupos como Avulsed, Human Mincer y Cerebral Efusión entre otros estan dando un auge a la escena Brutal Death española impresionante.

Reviewed by Iadalbaoth /



AIBA LA PUTA OSTIA, como bien dirían en mi tierra, esta es la 1ª expresión que se me viene a la cabeza nada más empezar a escuchar este cd. ULTRA BRUTAL DEATH TECNICO? Si vamos y Doraemon es un puro Grinder. Esto es mucho mas que Brutal Death, aúnan lo mejor de la técnica de dicho estilo, partes ultra brutales, “low gutural vocals” perfectos alternándolos con alguna voz que otra aguda y ritmos que no dejan de sonar en mis tímpanos mientras muevo mi puta cabeza al son de esos ritmos “arrítmicos” como los bautizaría. Sin duda la mejor grabación y el mejor grupo que hay y ha habido en España de Brutal Death en cuanto a brutalidad, ideas, sonido, conceptos,... un disco que no debería de pasar desapercibido a cualquier buen fan del Death Metal en su vena más brutal. Grupos como Wormed junto con Human Mincer, Baalphegor, Haemorrhage... hacen subir enteros a nuestra brutal escena(¿cuantas veces he utilizado la palabra brutal?). Pero bueno vayamos a la música que me enrollo más que mi profe de Filosofia.8 TEMAZOS de este grupo Madrileño donde el concepto lírico cobra gran importancia, donde tratan temas sobre el espacio exterior pero de una manera “muy interesante”, como muy técnica, que viendo el libreto me han dejado más que flipado. Musicalmente nos encontramos partes brutales donde la caña no para, partes ultra técnicas, riffs de guitarras increíbles, baterías inimaginables,...un disco donde no puedes parar de hacer “mosh” como un puto loco. Imaginate a unos Gorgasm,Cryptopsy (por la técnica) junto a unos Disgorge,Brodequin(USA) (por su brutalidad), añádele un poco de Immolation (por sus riffs) y tendrás a unos Wormed. Sin duda el mejor disco de lo que va de año 2003, una compra obligada.

Reviewed by Fekalot, King of the underworld



Joder!!! Después de incontables retrasos aquí tenemos el CD de debut del mejor grupo de Brutal Death Metal que jamás ha habido en España. Bien, supongo que todo el mundo se ha estado preguntando lo mismo: “Qué cojones pasa con WORMED y su debut que supuestamente iba a salir con Macabre Mementos?” Bueno... no más preguntas estúpidas por favor, porque una vez que tienes “Planisphaerium” en tus manos, adviertes lo increibles que son el diseño e ilustraciones del libreto, momento después esta sensación queda en un segundo plano ensombrecida por el instante en el que se escucha la primera nota que escupen los altavoces de tu equipo estéreo, es entonces cuando realmente te das cuenta de que toda la espera ha merecido la pena porque este material lo aplasta todo!!! Las nuevas composiciones son aún más retorcidas y complicadas que antes, pero lo maravilloso del asunto es que no se hacen aburridas para nada porque hay un montón de energía intensa y sobre todo toneladas de brutalidad contenidas en ellas. Las habilidades técnicas de los cuatro músicos que forman el grupo son simplemente extraordinarias, a destacar una vez más sobre todo la labor del batería que es un maestro y también del vocalista que es una especie de bestia humana sólo comparable con Matti Way o Ruben Rosas, aunque con estilo propio. Acerca del sonido diré que como todos bien sabrán éste era el punto débil de WORMED porque un buen sonido era todo lo que necesitaban para sacar a relucir el auténtico potencial que tienen, y sólo diré que han pasado el exámen con un 10 porque este es el disco con mejor sonido que se ha grabado jamás en este país en lo que a música extrema se refiere. Si te gustan bandas como CRYPTOPSY, ORIGIN o GORGUTS por sus tecnicismos y SUFFOCATION, DEVOURMENT y DISGORGE (usa) por su brutalidad y pesadez, entonces imaginate una mezcla perfecta entre todos ellos y sabrás más o menos por donde van los tiros!!! En mi opinión una banda como está se merece un jodido contrato con un sello del calibre de Relapse Records como mínimo!! Eres de esos que les gusta el Brutal Death Metal? Sí? Entonces realmente necesitas esta joya! Y ahora mismo!!

Reviewed by Kuba Peziol



Wormed is a band that has unearthed some serious fucking sickness in a fresh new concept that has never been seen to this extent in the world of brutal death metal. Let me start out by giving you an idea of their idea: Wormed has come to the realization that we are miniscule creatures in a vast universe that sees us as exactly that. Exploring the brute natural forces in space and portals to other dimensions, they present their ideas in highly educated and scholarly researched forms and fuse them w/ some of the most brutal fucking slam grooves and ultra-guttural vox ever.

First thing you'll notice is the very unorthodox cover art and professional insert layout of the disc. There is not a trace of traditional gore in sight, whether it be in image or words. Reading the lyrics is like reading any book by Stephen Hawking. It is a "galactic journey" that does a much better job of instilling any kind of fear or emotion than gore because #1: It swiftly takes you to a completely different plane of existence, and #2: It opens your eyes to the vast power and nature in a violent universe. This trip is going to start out w/ "Tunnel of Ions". First few things I noticed were a crunchy as phuck guitar tone and that bass is actually being used as an instrument, as opposed to just following along supporting massive detuned power chords. The guitarwerk gives the music a spacey feel right off the bat. The music itself is technikill in a "loose" sort of way, flowing from point A to point B, encouraging the listener to keep a close eye and ear as to what's going on. Drum sound is very good, w/ a kick drum that packs solid punch and a tight snare that maintains a "latin" feel if you will. As I mentioned vox are unbelievably low and take you to new depths of depravity. Tunnel of Ions is a brilliantly structured song that slams you from ceiling to floor w/out warning. At the 1:30 mark it unexpectedly goes into a riff that truly defines the word "lurching". Just giving you a taste, they retreat to the mainframe of the song, then at 3:00 return to the lurcher, but slow it down even more to crawling pace. Holey headbanging mania! Careful not to overuse riffing, they leave it quickly and thus berthing the rewind factor. "Geodesic Dome" is another monster mosher of Spanish sickness. The bulk of this song is unbelievable heavy. Starting out w/ speedy chunk chords and struggling natural harmonics, it almost breaks to a Cryptopsy-esque string-slap, then prepare for the wrecking ball at 1:56. Guitars berst chunk then suddenly stop while "Phlegeton" sustains his immense guttural growl. Resume sickness w/ a surprising free-jazz break w/ spoken werd underneath. The song ends out w/ the heavy as hell open chord abuse. "Voxel Mitosis" has genius touches of latin drumming and very interesting bass lines. "Ylem" could quite possibly be the flagship of the album in terms of concept & heaviness. Jumping out of the gate w/ a semi-polyrhythmic riff that drums follow w/ a very odd-time beat (think Fear Factory's "Obsolete" beat), it proceeds to a super-grind-athon mid-point that just churns out "I am Ylem". Lyrix to this song are superb. By the time "Planispherium" rolls around, your cranial capacity to absorb Wormed's angle of attack has exceeded it's limit. More amazing gutter-crunch slam grooves w/ supporting hyper-speed double kick underneath will have the grimace on you in no time flat. "Pulses in Rhombus Forms"..Man, do these super-slams ever end? The highlight of this song is actually not the chunk break, but the escalating emotional guitar whirlwind vortex at midpoint. "Dehydrating" employs creative use of "harmonizing" and layering guttural vocals, proving you can werk w/ more than one level of vocals down in the pig-grunt area.

Wormed is a band w/ undeniable potential and could very well change the face value of brutal death. I see very good things in the future for this band provided they "stick to their guns" w/ their very refreshing and in-depth plunge into the cosmic world and equally refreshing latin type feel to their percussive work in their weighty blast of brutal death.

Werds of caution to lots of you however: This is not for your every-day metal fan. The sheer ultra-brutal status and ultra-ill vox may be enough to shun away fans of happy-go-lucky melodick death, and power metal and black metal fans you can look elsewhere. Without a doubt, Wormed is for fans of the "extreme" punishment factor.

Reviewed by Daniel Staige



Pedazo de álbum debut que nos presenta esta banda madrileña! Bajo el nombre de "Planisphaerium", nos ofrecen un total de 8 temas de pura brutalidad al mejor estilo americano. Para los que no conozcáis la banda deciros que este grupo editó en 1999 el Mcd "Floating Cadáver In The Monochrome" y un promo cd de un tema en 2001 titulado "Voxel Mitosis", ambos bastante bien acogidos en la escena. WORMED en cuestión toca un Brutal Death técnico, alternando partes ultrarápidas unidas a otras mas pesadas y contundentes, voces ultragorrinas acojonantes que se te meten en el tímpano durante días!, decir también que la producción ha mejorado notablemente, es un sonido más "entendible" y limpio que en sus anteriores trabajos, se ha notado el fichaje por el sello japonés Macabre Mementos, al igual cabe destacar la buena presentación del álbum. A lo dicho si te gusta el Brutal Death americano con influencias de DISGORGE (USA), DEVOURMENT , GORGASM, BRODEQUIN y demás... no pierdas la oportunidad de hacerte con este disco! Además apoyando a la escena española que está demostrando la calidad de sus bandas dentro de la música extrema!

Reviewed by CARLOS B.



Want the sickest band on Earth?. Want the most technical brutality unleashed in the way of four sick guys playing hard and fast their instruments?. So, you were waiting for the new Wormed work.
This spanish ultra brutal combo started out with "Floating Cadaver In The Monochrome" some years ago, and then shocked all spanish scene due their mega brutality. After that the single track cd titled "Voxel Mitosis" was out, an effort for continuing being name on the scene while they were composing this new and mega sick work, that finally was out through japanese Macabre Mementos. 8 tracks on intense, relentless, mega sick, superb, brutal death with inhuman low vocal frequencies, totally deranged and with unstoppable and arythmic riffs, some of them new and original, but for sure twisted as a tornado that blast out your window. If you don't believe me, just take a preview of the first track available on their new website, and then, if you want the sickest of the sick, want to play this cd as loud as your brain will explode. Mega brutality in the vein of Disgorge (usa and Mex), CBT, Circle Of Dead Children, Christ Denied, etc. A must!!!!

Reviewed by JM



I know that this is a very anticipated release for many who are into this maybe odd, but for sure brutal and good genre (I'm still talking about death/grind/gore =)) and finally by the help of Macabre Mementos, Wormeds debut album is finally released. Before I put the cd into the stereo, I first took the chance to look over the booklet and its not very often that I see bands like in this genre that puts some kind of effort and work into making a professional and good-looking booklet, perfect design and the lyrics starts off where their previous demos ended, space and its mysteries once again. Not really that I understand that much of the lyrics, but I although like to read them and for every time I read them I find out new details that makes me understand a little more about what Wormed is all about, and of course, its nice to read something else than gore/porn lyrics for a change.

Musically, things have turned a bit more progressiv and technical, but still catchy, brutal and groovy as their previous works. They finally have what they deserved, a good soundproduction and that has made a lot for Wormeds music, although the drums could have been a little higher on the mix (they sometimes turn a bit low when the drummer speeds ahead into really fast grind, but the sound of the bassdrums are just perfect with a lot of punch.) Phlegeton is better than ever, really agressive pigstyled grunts that is pretty variated and going deeper into low inhale vocals. One thing that I mentioned in the review of Wormeds first demo, was the very good and catchy groove parts,here they are even heavier and better, really slammy and they really stick to you, definantly the same style as Devourment, Repudilation etc. and it will get you off your feet in no time.

Looking at what I have written, I dont really know if there is so much more to add, I have listened to this album for a week or two and I must say that this is one of the best debut fullengths that I have ever heard. I also would like to say with all the Devourment/Disgorge-clones entering the scene every now and then, its good to hear a band that in someway has a style of their own and adds something new and fresher to the underground. Also, perfect length, not to short, not to long and there is also a cool thing in the second that I wont mention here!

This album gets 5 out of 5. Wormed has released one of the best releases ever and I must say that 2003 has been a good year for brutal music in general. THis is a very recommended release that will be enjoyed by everyone who likes brutal stuff that has a style a style of their own (at least I think so).

Reviewed by Ulf




A single track promo release from cosmic Death Metal group Wormed, forming a stopgap until their full-length on Macabre Mementos in early 2003. Demonstrating a clear progression in terms of instrumentation and composition, Wormed offer a four minute snapshot of their current development, showing particularly an increased calibre of percussive innovation, complementing cyclic riffs very much in the Suffocation vein. The music is bass driven in a similar style to Disgorge (USA), whilst the minimal usage of straight blasts is reminiscent of Craig Smilowski's work in Immolation. Lyrically I believe this work furthers the process of galactic metamorphosis (see the interview for a better description) first began on Floating Cadaver... A slightly louder, fuller production would give the band the powerful, precise aesthetic they require to best realise their concept; yet for work still in the formative stages, this release gives an interesting and exciting hint at what the long awaited full length holds. More importantly it also sees a band beginning to carve out and explore their own artistic niche.
Rating: 8.5 / 10 Demo Tombstones



Esta promo CD compuesta por un tema, "Voxel Mitosis", no es nueva, ya lleva tiempo rulando por ahí, pero vamos a hablar un poco de ella...
El tema en cuestión fue grabado y mezclado en Mayo de 2001, y sigue el camino marcado por su demo CD debut "Floating Cadaver In The Monochrome", un Brutal Death cañero, aplastante, retorcido,...Aquí se percibe como la banda va creciendo día a día, en tecnica, composición, compenetración entre los diferentes miembros,...y fijate en que ha pasado un año desde la grabación de esto, así que imaginate como pueden estar las cosas en estos momentos, si los has visto en directo recientemente lo sabrás...Y pensar que aun hay gente que piensa que para hacer buen Brutal Death hay que ser americano...

Reviewed by Jose




Here's a very cool demo M-CD by these crazed Spaniards. There seems to be alot of quality coming from Spain's direction these days, and this new band is proof that there's still more to come. The general feel of this album reminded me of their fellow country-mates, Fermento. Wormed utilize the same brutal and insane style as the afformentioned band, so in other words, this is pretty relentless, semi-technical brutal death. Pretty straighforward stuff most of the time. Nice and grinding, with some great gurgling vocals. One pretty unique thing about these guys is the subject matter... It's all about mathematical space and dimensions, weird stuff, but it somehow fits in with the 'precision' of the music. The sound production is THICK and full of bass. This thing almost blew my speakers appart! The palm muting is deadly, the sound is enough to make them vibrate, I had to put extra screws round the back of my speakers to stop them from shaking all the time. Well, anyway, enough of my personal escapades in do-it-yourself. This M-CD kicks ass. Really something worth looking out for... Expect a killer full length soon, hopefully.
Review from
DeathGrind Webzine

This band is from Spain, but they seem to have that Brutal New York deathgrind style down. It's a pretty safe bet that they whorshipped Suffocation, Immolation, and some Incantation thrown in. They have some pretty cool riffs, but we've all heard this before. Alot better, and alot worse. The drums could stand to be louder, but the guitars sound killer. Deep ass vocals of corpse, no screams. They have alot of cathcy mosh-type parts, and cool blasts, but nothing to jump up and down over.

Reviewed by Demonic E.



WORMED Floating Cadaver in the Monochrome - - - - New comer in the Spanish today’s scene that signed on Macabre Mementos lately and I’m not the slightest surprised by that because it is exactly the genre of bands that fit to Macabre Mementos. Musically, apart from the sound in general which is far from being that extraordinary, one can easily apprehend the avalanche of blast beating brutal death metal that WORMED just fucking rules in. I don’t think there exists so much bands as brutal as them in Spain. You can expect a cross between DISGORGE and DEVOURMENT as far as brutality is concerned. The design reminds me VIRULENCE at all, a sort of space-structure focus. Yeah, it is that.



WORMED is the Great new comer band from Spain. Phlegeton (vocals), Javier Oliver (guitars), Dani (guitars), Guillemoth (bass), and Andy C (drum) formed them in October 1998. They play brutal death metal with some difference style than the other brutal death metal bands. They combine technical playing, hyperblasting beats and some groovy parts. So it doesn't sound boring. And in the second song "Ectoplasmic...D.1" the rhythm become slow in the middle of the song for a while then come back with brutal riffs that make this song becomes a unique and interesting songs. The vocal is cool, horrible, I like it, guttural deep growling like a human is vomiting their bowels. This MCD featuring 5 trax with perfect sound recording and mixing. Right now, they still find record that is interested to release and distribute their MCD. And they have new songs, more brutal than these songs in this MCD for their newest album. So for record label... don't hesitate to sign with this fuckin brutal band... contract them right now!!!! For brutal fans... what are you waiting for... contact them to order this MCD now....!!
Reviewed by Putra Pande



"Wormed", the feeling one has upon realization that he is insignificant in the universal scheme: as a worm inside an intestine. It's from the crux of this nihilistic recognition that Spanish band Wormed compose five hymns highlighting the universal irrelevance of man, aesthetically choosing to expound upon the works of similar composers, such as Columbia's Internal Suffering, in their post-Suffocation muted chord structuralism.
Taking this hallowed aesthetic, Wormed approach it with a respect seldom encountered in today's 'slam-death' crop. Lyrically the work deals with the creation of inter-stellar gateways, galaxy formation and other cosmic wonders and is written from an informed and distinctly scientific approach rather than the non researched, fantastical ramblings of Egyptology espoused by Iron Maiden on their Powerslave opus. A sadly rare occurrence then, in a genre typified by crude, mindless porno-gore lyrics, something unique, which has been created with thought and artistic intent.

Musically scholars of the aforementioned Suffocation institute; the band link syncopated chromatic phrases with periods of intense, resonating chord progression which are reminiscent of those employed by Immolation. Vocals adopt more of a percussive role that an expressive outlet, yet the over the top delivery finds home in the other-worldliness of the concept - representing the timeless, astronomical events of the universe. The 'cadaver' is perhaps the listener, who has stumbled (or floated) unwittingly to a place where he is able to observe.

Two minor criticisms: firstly the production, which spoils the otherwise technically sound playing with a sometimes overly loud snare, needs to be tidied up for the full length. Secondly, the inclusion of a few 'slam' riffs, although not over used, may increase accessibility, yet perhaps detracts from the conceptual whole by allowing the listener to identify with the music solely via the neck, rather than the brain. Hopefully Wormed won't fall prey to such genre cliches on the full-length.

In conclusion then, a very promising demo from one of the few bands approaching this genre in an artistically unique and respectful way. The astrology concept avoids becoming overly pretentious or gimmick-like due to the sincerity and ability with which the lyrics are realized (especially in wake of the language barrier). Packaged excellently for a self-release, the artwork, courtesy of singer Phlegeton, is a stunning visualization of the lyrical subject and is testament to the band's hardworking ethos. Now established as creative leaders of the Spanish underground, we’ll have to see how Wormed translates this potential excellence into album form. Highly recommended...

Rating: 8 / 10 Demo Tombstones



There is something going on in the country of Spain. Death Metal scene is full of positive reviews of KEVLAR SKIN. My favorite band from this country was REINCARNATION, until I receive FLOATING CADAVER IN THE MONOCHROME. I must confess that didn’t wait for this CD, because nobody treats serious a band from scene without any traditions. It was a great mistake of mine. WORMED made me conscious of this fact. Death Metal maniacs should appreciate it. It’s 15 minutes of technically good, fresh sounded music. Those guys have a good workshop, which is visible since the first track. Their abilities are fine and they tend to play death. It’s impossible to name the best track, the whole stuff is extra. Those of you who like walls of sound will be satisfied, this CD is a solid death metal. They can create a superb material, no doubt about it.

Reviewed by Chris



For a couple of years ago I got in contact with Guillemoth from Wormed and I got the chance to review them, but something happened and it took a long time before I got their first demo in the mail. Due to some personal problems, Guillemoth explained to me in a mail, but its good now and I got what I wanted.
Five young guys from Spain comes out of nowhere and totally crushes with their first demo. The soundquality isnt the best, the drums are too low and its a little muffled in overall, BUT, its heavy and brutal as fuck. The music could be compared to Devourment, Repudilation, Disgorge (US) and Goretrade. Its a lot of diversion between furious blastbeats and ultraheavy moshpit parts that I would like to dance to for a lifetime. They have an acoustic passage in one of the songs that comes as a suprise, but as a nice suprise, very original indeed. The vocals are guttural and very deep, a nice present for someone you care about!
The thing that really makes Wormed stand out from many other bands in the same genre, is their lyrics that are all about space, dimensions, black holes and stuff like that. Nice to see that not all bands of this type uses and worships gore lyrics. Their lyrics will keep you up late at night reading, ´cos this is very interesting stuff, at least I think so hehe.
This is the only brutal band that I have heard from Spain, except for maybe Fermento, that I'm not ultrasure are from Spain, but I think so. On just four songs these guys have made a great expression on me and it would be nice to find out if there are any other similar bands like Wormed from Spain.
This album gets 4 out of 5. Even if the production is crappy, I still enjoy what Wormed has offered me these short minutes. Some of the best stuff that I have heard for a while, sure to become something big in the underground scene!
Reviewed by Ulf

För ungefär ett år sedan, så snackade jag med Guillemoth som lirar bas i Wormed, om jag kunde få beställa en skiva med dom. Men det tog ett bra tag innan jag fick något svar i huvudtaget och jag gav upp hoppet. Sen så en dag, så damp den ner i brevlådan och där fick jag även med ett brev från Guillemoth där han förklarade att han hade brutit armen och helt enkelt inte haft tid. Men fan, no hard feelings, killen mår bättre nu och jag har fått det jag ville ha.
Fem unga grabbar från Spanien kommer här och verkligen krossar med sin första demo. Ska väl säga att ljudet inte är det bästa. Trummorna hörs lite för lite, men det är ändå tungt som fan med mycket bas och tyngd. Musiken kan liknas vid arga gossar som Devourment, Repudilation, Disgorge (USA) och Goretrade. Det varieras ganska så bra mellan mangel och ultratunga mosh- partier som verkligen får mig att vilja bjuda upp till skön dans. Det kikar även förbi en akustisk passage i en av låtarna och det gör detta mer orginellt och bra, icke ofta man hör det. Packa även ner lite sjukdjupa och gutturala muller, så har du en fin present som du kan ge till någon du håller kär!
Det som skiljer Wormed ganska så rejält från dom flesta dödsbanden är lyriken som inte alls lutar åt splatter, porr eller mördar hållet. Nej, nej, här snackar vi skumma grejer som olika dimensioner, svarta hål, rymden etc. Något som skulle få den som gillar underlig lyrik att ligga uppe länge in på natten och läsa med lykta och ljus.
Detta är nog det enda brutal bandet jag har hört från Spanien, förutom Fermento (som jag är 95 % säker på att dom kommer från samma land som Wormed) och det är synd faktiskt. Hade det funnits mer band som på bara fyra låtar (+ ett bonusspår) som gör ett sånt här jäkla bra intryck på mig, så hade jag blivit förbannat glad.
Låtar som krossar: "Ectoplasmic Iconosphere (D.1)", "Ectoplasmic Iconosphere (D.2)" och "Floating cadaver in the monochrome".
Denna skiva får 4 i betyg. Med en inte alltför bra kvalité, men ändå med en ofantlig tyngd, så visar Wormed upp sina spikförsedda nävar rejält. Detta kommer definitivt bli ett av dom där stora namnen i underground scenen! Maila Guillemoth för mer info:


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